You are always, already whole and complete. This is a very important message to take to heart.
You are constantly inundated with messages of lack, messages that tell you that you are not good enough, that you are not smart enough, that without this or that product, you are not whole.
The outer world wants you to believe that you are lacking so that you will spend money and consume in the hopes that you might feel complete for a few minutes. You are conditioned to feel the need to read one more book to be happy, or that that if you attend one more workshop you will finally feel like you “made it”.
The world wants you to believe that without the nicest clothes and the coolest car you are somehow less than human. If you are not competing with everyone else in society, if you are not taking part in the game where you are in constant material competition with friends, family, and strangers, you are somehow living a half life.
But this is a lie. In fact, the opposite is true. There is never a “making it” and playing this game will bring you only momentary fulfillment, which will ultimately lead to more dissatisfaction. It is an endless cycle of lack and wanting where you consume constantly in order to feel whole and validated.
Living in this game, this façade, chains you to materiality and enmeshes you in the lie that something outside of yourself will make you feel whole. Nothing out there can complete you because you are already complete. You were born complete.
This incessant game of seeking and wanting is a societal psychosis that can never be satiated. Once you step off this treadmill and become conscious of it, you can experience a sense of freedom, liberation, and you can know your own instrinsic wholeness.
Never sacrifice your nobility. When you are feeling lost, fragmented, torn apart, remember that this is because you have slipped into unconsciousness and forgotten your wholeness. Take a step back, breathe, and know that you are a sacred being. Come back to your divinity.