Today we are enmeshed with technology. In a very real sense, we have become cyborgs. Our computers, tablets, and cell phones are extensions of our minds. They store information for us, allow us to communicate instantly anywhere in the world with anyone in our lives. If we don’t know something, Google does. Never in history has information been so accessible and easily shared. It is really quite amazing! It’s also becoming a legitimate and dehumanizing crutch.
I’m the type of person who is constantly wanting to learn some new skill or random factoid and the internet is one of my best friends. I am always taking some class or other online and on any whim I can pull up Google to satisfy my insatiable curiosity. It’s absolutely magical how much and how quickly information is now available to us! I, and many of my friends, prefer to keep in contact via text, email, Facebook, or in person rather than via telephone. I write on my laptop or tablet; I read novels on kindle. Obviously I use technology a great deal. I don’t think it is inherently either a good thing or a bad thing. Like most tools, it depends on how we use it.
As an extension of our minds, our technological devices can and do fill our minds with a lot of chatter. Emails, texts, and fear of missing out. Unfortunately, it is not uncommon to see two friends hanging out and, instead of interacting with one another, they are glued to their phones, texting someone else.
It is okay to step away from the technology from time to time. Take a break from the computer and the phone. This might trigger that good ole fear of missing out! Accept it! Invite it in! Ask what it has to show you. Chances are, you aren’t going to miss out on anything and will experience the world right here in front of you more richly.
Turn the phone on silent from time to time.
Unsubscribe. Get rid of all those email subscriptions! They’re everywhere! Keep the ones that you find helpful and get rid of the ones you don’t read or need.
Go into nature. While you’re here, invite one of those friends you’d be texting to come with you! Or, just go alone and experience the stillness with you.
It’s a scary idea, but it’ll be okay. I promise.