Once we feel separate, once we believe ourselves alone and insignificant, once we have the slightest inclination of fear, when we think we are dwarfed or disillusioned, or especially separate from god/awareness/being/that which is the eternal sea of consciousness, then the greatest lie has overtaken us and we’ve forgotten our latent, indisputable connection with everything. […]
People are so stuck in the form world. They are hypnotized by it and believe it to be the only thing important, the only thing that is real. It is all that matters to them. The only place that has any substance in their perception. And, in reality, this is the only place that actually […]
The totality of reality seeks to shower you with experience. All experience –“good” or “bad”. They’re the same. It’s your perception which distorts them to be “positive” or negative”. You, yourself are this totality. Nothing more. Nothing less. And this totality seeks to know itself through you and the eternal, sublime dance of experience. Relinquish […]
We run from now, never living now, hoping that tomorrow will contain something that now does not. We vow that then, tomorrow, when we are whole and complete, we will then truly begin to live. In our minds, tomorrow will have everything now does not. In reality, tomorrow never happens.
https://i0.wp.com/www.scottgoolsby.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/4472D6AC-BB2D-4FA9-B45F-460367D482B3.jpeg?fit=1600%2C900&ssl=19001600Scott Goolsbyhttps://www.scottgoolsby.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/logo-inverted-2.gifScott Goolsby2015-02-21 00:14:042022-12-08 20:02:51Musing On Now
The Lie of Separation
Once we feel separate, once we believe ourselves alone and insignificant, once we have the slightest inclination of fear, when we think we are dwarfed or disillusioned, or especially separate from god/awareness/being/that which is the eternal sea of consciousness, then the greatest lie has overtaken us and we’ve forgotten our latent, indisputable connection with everything. […]
Societal Hypnosis
People are so stuck in the form world. They are hypnotized by it and believe it to be the only thing important, the only thing that is real. It is all that matters to them. The only place that has any substance in their perception. And, in reality, this is the only place that actually […]
Universal Showers
The totality of reality seeks to shower you with experience. All experience –“good” or “bad”. They’re the same. It’s your perception which distorts them to be “positive” or negative”. You, yourself are this totality. Nothing more. Nothing less. And this totality seeks to know itself through you and the eternal, sublime dance of experience. Relinquish […]
Musing On Now
We run from now, never living now, hoping that tomorrow will contain something that now does not. We vow that then, tomorrow, when we are whole and complete, we will then truly begin to live. In our minds, tomorrow will have everything now does not. In reality, tomorrow never happens.