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The Beauty of Unity

A rampant situation in our world is that of ceasing to see another human being as an equal, as a fellow human  focusing on their differences rather than our similarities. In so doing, we see them as “other”. In our reality, we turn this person into an enemy. They practice a different religion, eat different food, see the […]

Pain and Awakening

Consciousness of the physical body is a powerful gateway to awakening. One of the triggers that all of us as human beings have is running towards that which causes us joy and running away from that which will cause us pain. Everyone wants to avoid illness and suffering at all costs. However, suffering is unavoidable. […]

Inquiry into Being

To discover your limitations is the same as to discover your limitlessness. To discover your shadow is the same as to discover your light. To discover your humaness is to discover your Buddhaness. To discover you’re finite is to discover you’re infinite. -Anam Thubten When we honestly ask ourselves the question, “Who am I?” We […]

Perception is the World

Yesterday I was listening to a talk given by the teacher James Baraz, author of Awakening Joy. In this talk, James recounted his meeting of a 13 year old girl who claimed to have conceived of an idea for an invention that would eliminate war. She called this invention the “Perspective Helmet” and it would […]

Krishnamurti’s Notebook 1

Everywhere there was silence; the hills were motionless, the trees were still and the river-beds empty; the birds had found shelter for the night and everything was still, even the village dogs. It had rained and the clouds were motionless. Silence grew and became intense, wider and deeper. What was outside was now outside; the brain which had listened to the silence […]

Suffering, Joy, and RAIN

In the Buddha’s first Noble Truth he taught that everything in the world is or can lead to suffering. The spiritual path and enlightenment are often misconstrued as making everything okay. That suffering will end. That all of the sudden, a ray of sunlight will come into our lives and ameliorate all that we ever […]

Illusory I

This persistent and rapacious belief in a separate, abiding, self-subsisting “I” and its illusory incompleteness, compounded with the story placed upon story after story in our mind stream that attempts to perpetuate this lie of the “I” is all our suffering is ever based upon. Contrarily, we are always intrinsically whole and complete because our […]

The Lie of Separation

Once we feel separate, once we believe ourselves alone and insignificant, once we have the slightest inclination of fear, when we think we are dwarfed or disillusioned, or especially separate from god/awareness/being/that which is the eternal sea of consciousness, then the greatest lie has overtaken us and we’ve forgotten our latent, indisputable connection with everything. […]

Language and Power

In Indian cosmology the Sanskrit language has immense power. It is a magic and divine force of creation, preservation, and destruction. Each letter of the alphabet is assigned a divinity. In Vedic times, the ritual, performed in Sanskrit, was believed to uphold the entire cosmos. There was even a class of priests who oversaw the […]

Societal Hypnosis

People are so stuck in the form world. They are hypnotized by it and believe it to be the only thing important, the only thing that is real. It is all that matters to them. The only place that has any substance in their perception. And, in reality, this is the only place that actually […]