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The Darkness that Births the Light

For all of my adult life I have been afflicted with clinical depression. Typically we are conditioned to view our “negative” states of consciousness such as anger, fear, or depression as being bad and undesirable. However, I disagree with this assertion in many senses. These negative states are that catalysts for our evolution. Our depression […]

Our Harmful and Insatiable Thirst for Power

Attributes and actions such as greed, jealously, the need to impress, the sacrifice of one’s autonomy and spiritual independence, anger, hatred, and fear are all characteristics of the thirst for power. These tools are put into operation by those with power who wish to hold on to or usurp “control” from those who are meeker […]

Live Your Nobility

A great deal of what we do is influenced by our fear of what others will think. However, this is largely an unnecessary fear and and we neglect to take into account our own, intrinsic sacredness. We relegate ourselves to the scrutiny and approval of some outside “they” whose opinion is worthless and ultimately nonexistent. […]

Let Your Light Shine!

Don’t sacrifice your personal seniority to anyone — only you know what you want from this life and how you should live it. Your answers for the journey are already here, within and around you. Don’t make you decisions from an irrational or emotional state, but from a calm, meditative frame where you are not […]

Time and the Mind

Our minds are conditioned societally and egoically to exist in a constant state of discomfort, of yearning: states of dissatisfaction and seeming incompleteness. When separated from time, the mind lashes out, feeling anxious and as though it should be doing something, it must be forgetting something important. The ego wants us to always be existing […]

The Problem with Identification

When most of us are confronted with the question of who we are, we respond with such things as “I am a student, writer, brother, mother, sister, etc.” We expand this tendency to states of consciousness, “I am sad, I am happy, I am excited, etc.” We even apply it to negativity, “I am sick, […]


You are perfect, only you don’t know it. Learn to know yourself and you will discover wonders. All you need is already within you, only you must approach yourself with reverence and love. Self-condemnation and self-distrust are grievous errors. Your constant flight from pain and search for pleasure is a sign of the love you […]

Krishnamurti’s Notebook 2

I just finished reading Krishnamurti’s Notebook, a personal journal kept by the spiritual teacher, Jiddu Krishnamurti. It is filled with many profound insights and teachings and I would highly recommend anyone read it. I found some excerpts that I would like to share: Color was god and that god was everywhere. And as you watched […]

Absolute and Relative Reality

I have been trying to encapsulate into words my interpretation on the nature of reality. This of course, is ultimately beyond words and form and this is not completely meshed out, but this is the explanation I have so far. At the very essence of everything exists what I will call the ultimate ground of […]

Stop and Be

The mind is never going to let you do less. It’s always going to tell you that there is still something else to do, something else you must acquire, some piece of information that you must have in order to be happy, fulfilled, something you need in order to make it as a human being. […]