I invite you for a moment to notice the silence — the deepest silence within you.
Feel it.
Truly feel it.
Allow it to grow.
This silence, this stillness is always, has always been there. It will also always be there. It is also your true nature. It is the awareness that watches, knows, and will always be. It’s your boundlessness. And you have the ability, the birthright, the power — whatever you wish to refer to it as, to connect to this eternal, still, presence whenever you wish.
You cannot connect with mind, ego, or thought. Then, it will just slip away.
You can connect with your solitude. Just be still. Still. Silent. Secure. Whole. Complete. Just as you’ve always already been.
See? There it is. There’s that piece of bliss.
So, go, my friend.
Bask in the essence of which we are.
Ever powerful. Resplendent. Eternal. Still. Silent.
Bask. Bask in our infinite nature, silence, and glory.