At some point, you began to believe you were a body with a singular point of consciousness animating it. Encapsulated within it. That’s not true. You are that unified vast sea of consciousness that animates the entire cosmos, animating your body. You’re not the finite, my friend. You’re the infinite. You’re so much greater than you’ve been led to believe.
Archive for month: December, 2020
I wish I had the ability to convey to all of you how beautiful, sacred, and holy we, and everything truly IS. ALL of this is God. Even you. In all of those things you think are faults. Those are sacred acts of divinity dancing. Wake up to your birthright of your divine nature! I beg you! Please! There exists only ONE thing in this reality, and it is God. It. Is. Us. We are one. Everything is one.
You see all those thoughts that go racing in your head all day? Who’d you think notices them? What’s noticing these thoughts? What’s watching the thoughts race and whirl? Hmmmm? That’s you, actually. The true you that you never pay any attention to. Because you’re too busy listening to the noise of thought. Now. Pay a bit more attention to that HUGE bit of your being and see if you can befriend it. It is the key to your liberation.
Do you know that you are absolutely sacred? Do you? Do you know that you are already whole and complete? Do you know that you’re the reason the creator God, Brahman whispered the word ॐ, which brought this whole thing into being? Do you know that everything is perfectly beautiful because of you? We’ve got this. Let’s dance!
We are completely, absolutely nothing. At the same time, we are the expression of the Divinity revealing itself as creation in its full, purest, essence, for a moment, as perfectly as we can. Pretty neat, eh kids?
Actually stop.
Look in the mirror.
See that reflection? That person? Yes? The supposed you? That?
That is the greatest, truest, fullest love you’ve been looking for your entire life.
Go spend a night with that person.
Talk. Imagine. Think. Do the impossible.
And then?
Do it again.
I dare you.
What will happen?
It’ll light your life on fire.
Another fire each time.
Time and time again with the fire of knowledge and love of you, yourself.
The deepest, most passionate, most sacred love there could ever be in the entire cosmos.
I dare you.
Try. It. You just might ignite your own passion, desire, wisdom, and knowledge.
How dangerous.
I invite you for a moment to notice the silence — the deepest silence within you.
Feel it.
Truly feel it.
Allow it to grow.
This silence, this stillness is always, has always been there. It will also always be there. It is also your true nature. It is the awareness that watches, knows, and will always be. It’s your boundlessness. And you have the ability, the birthright, the power — whatever you wish to refer to it as, to connect to this eternal, still, presence whenever you wish.
You cannot connect with mind, ego, or thought. Then, it will just slip away.
You can connect with your solitude. Just be still. Still. Silent. Secure. Whole. Complete. Just as you’ve always already been.
See? There it is. There’s that piece of bliss.
So, go, my friend.
Bask in the essence of which we are.
Ever powerful. Resplendent. Eternal. Still. Silent.
Bask. Bask in our infinite nature, silence, and glory.